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Thursday, 31 March 2016

Wichita police crack down on head shops

WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) -- Wichita police cracking down tonight on shops that sell illegal drug paraphernalia.

Gage Conway and Talya Stegeman stood in line for more than two hours at the store 42 Below in hopes of getting glass supplies for smoking.

"If you smoke tobacco out of this for awhile, it turns blue," said Conway as he shows off the glass pipe he just bought. "It's artwork."

Conway says he smokes tobacco out of the glass pipe, but law enforcement calls this and other glass products drug paraphernalia. Wichita police are handing out fliers to head shops and gas stations around town reminding them bongs, pipes disguised as pens, incense or key chains are all illegal.

'I don't understand why," said customer Jesse Watson. "They're going to have the paraphernalia whether they drive 300 miles or not."

Customers say they've heard the police are giving stores just a few days to get rid of the illegal items or they'll be shut down.

Police tell me they won't be shutting down these stores, but they will be confiscating these items and citing the owners.
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